Wir haben ja schon genug Ärger mit der Steuer auf unsere Basen/Flüssigkeiten, aber die Dampfszene in Australien hat es nu wirklich richtig hart getroffen.
Ab 1.Oktober bekommt man dort nikotinhaltige Flüssigkeiten nur noch auf ärztliches Rezept. Von 110.000 Ärzten in Australien haben bisher 71 (!) die Befugnis dieses auszustellen. Für 520.000 Dampfer…
In Queensland ist das Dampfen mit Nikotin ab dem 01. Oktober sogar illegal. 🤦♂️
Ich wander dann doch nicht aus…
Zitat„In less than 10 days’ time you will be forced to get a doctor’s prescription for vaping. This is a significant change and will affect over 520,000 Australians who use nicotine vaping products to stay off cigarettes. But despite the Federal Government’s TGA announcing these new rules last December, little has been done to prepare – leaving vapers, doctors and pharmacists in the dark. Many vapers still don’t know where they will be able to obtain nicotine for vaping, whether their doctor will prescribe it or where they can turn to for support. It’s not good enough. Just last weekend the TGA released a list of 71 authorised prescribers for nicotine vaping products. You read that right. 71. The TGA has had 18 months to prepare, and they’ve only signed up 71 of Australia’s 110,000 doctors to prescribe nicotine vaping products for purchase in Australia. This work should have been done months ago. Remember, this is the Federal Government’s scheme. We didn’t ask for it. But we will make sure our voices are heard. Between now and 1 October, we will be collecting and collating questions and concerns from vapers ahead of the introduction of the prescription model. These questions will be put to the people who made these laws, and we will demand answers.“